Sunday, 16 November 2008

If I wasn't here.

Where would I be if I wasn't here? I could be anywhere in the world, but would I know it?
I just don't want to go there and miss here. Will this place miss me? What will happen if I came back and everything is exactly the same but completely different?
But maybe that's what I need? If it's not what I need, it's definitely what I want...I think?!
I just want to get away, go and see what that looks like. Go and feel what that feels like. Go and smell what that smells like.
I'm not trying to run away from my life. I love my life. This is my life.
I'm just scared I'm going to waste it.

Anywhere but this place
This place where I need to be.
I don't even know if i want it.
I might need it though.
It could be anywhere.
Except this place.
I just need to belong.
And I don't know if
this place wants me.
Anywhere can be home
if you can make it your own.
I just don't know if I can make it on my own.

Saturday, 15 November 2008

The Story

I somehow got it into my head that our lives are just like a story. I'm comfortable with the beginning and the middle, it's just the end that scares me. I like the ups and Downs a story has, I like the drama and the excitement that comes with it. But like all good stories it's sad when they come to the end.
I hope I'm the sort of story people will remember. Because I think that's all I want out of life - to be remembered. That's all I think I want at the moment, but it'll probably change. Everybody always wants more, that's just the greed of the human nature. But then wanting to be remembered I suppose is quite a greedy thing to want.

The Story
I don't know if my story has begun yet?
I don't want it to ever end though.
All the excitement and adventure.
I'm like a book with infinite words that don't mean anything,
But open whole worlds.
Everything means nothing,
But with great possesion.
They don't mean anything,
But they're everything to me.
I am the beginning.
I am the middle.
I am........