Saturday, 15 November 2008

The Story

I somehow got it into my head that our lives are just like a story. I'm comfortable with the beginning and the middle, it's just the end that scares me. I like the ups and Downs a story has, I like the drama and the excitement that comes with it. But like all good stories it's sad when they come to the end.
I hope I'm the sort of story people will remember. Because I think that's all I want out of life - to be remembered. That's all I think I want at the moment, but it'll probably change. Everybody always wants more, that's just the greed of the human nature. But then wanting to be remembered I suppose is quite a greedy thing to want.

The Story
I don't know if my story has begun yet?
I don't want it to ever end though.
All the excitement and adventure.
I'm like a book with infinite words that don't mean anything,
But open whole worlds.
Everything means nothing,
But with great possesion.
They don't mean anything,
But they're everything to me.
I am the beginning.
I am the middle.
I am........


Anonymous said...

U really wrote that mate? Im kinda speechless. Its pretty deep. U shld look in2 gettin sum published. Serious mate 10/10

misst said...

awesome. u have to get this published. post some more, theyre amazing.

Unknown said...

Thanks guys, Means alot. Yeah I write them myself. Cheers